WHAT ARE WE DOING?Just exactly what does CRIC do? We start with gratitude for the rapidly growing number of people who are part of this work. Some don’t quite seem to understand it. CRIC doesn’t offer…
“Shouldn’t the Church Have Been Leaders in This?” Recovery Can Happen - Compassionate Accountability I belong to a recovery group for clergy working with many kinds of behavioral health disorders. It is unique because recovery…
CRIC PROVES CLERGY HAVE HUMAN PROBLEMS!! Unbelievable “Seriously, CRIC needed to prove that clergy have human problems like addictive disorders and mental illnesses?” sighed CRIC Board Chair, Rev. Wendy Miller Olapade. Yup. There is a…
WHAT IS CRIC? CRIC is Compassionate Accountability Compassionate Accountability describes CRIC’s work in a nutshell. We want church bodies to follow policies motivated by compassion for behaviorally impaired clergy. We also want clergy with addictions…
COMPASSIONATE ACCOUNTABILITYCompassionate Accountability The phrase Compassionate Accountability is the tag line for CRIC and the title of this newsletter. This phrase describes our work in an absolute nutshell. We want church bodies to be motivated…
MOVING THE RIVERBED Moving the Riverbed Many years ago, the psychologists Barry Stevens and Fritz Perls popularized this idea in therapy, “Don’t push the river. It flows by itself.” People often ask if CRIC will…
CRIC IS NOW OFFICIALCRIC is Now Official Thanks to the efforts of Rev. Andrew Scanlan-Holmes, The Center for the Restoration of Impaired Clergy is a non-profit corporation in the State of Indiana. We are now…